Friday, November 05, 2010


Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries of the world where about 85% of the total population live in the rural areas. About 49% of the rural population lives below the poverty line (GOB, FIFTY FIVE YEAR PLAN, 1997-2002, P-13). The poverty in rural Bangladesh is mainly discussed with reference to the growing number of landless households which has not been matched by rise in employment opportunities (R.W. Timm CSC). The number of laborers, Share cropper and unemployed are calculated only in term of men, keeping the rural women out of the focus from the often devastating impact of poverty. Their lives depend on men due to lake of education, training and job opportunities. The prevailing social custom also acts against their participation in poverty alleviation activities. Now a days poverty often forces women to work outside their homes, which is unusual in the context of social set up of rural Bangladesh (Westergard, 1983). The higher crude activity rate compared to the growth rate of population is contributed mostly by increasing female participation rate in labor force. The crude female activity rate, which was only 6.4% in 1985-86 increased to 40.2% in 1989. This was possible due to Government's policy on female employment in the public sector, introduction of special food for works programme for women and the high growth rate of garment industries in the private sector during the early eighties, which employ mostly female workers (Planning commission 1990).
The rural population increased by about 50% during 1960 to 1977, but the number of farm households increased by only 1.9% during the same period. So rural development is the core focus of our national economic development programme. In order to eradicate the dismal poverty and massive unemployment the question of help comes from a very poor financial background and the shortage of finance is the main hindrance in the persuasion of their respective trade.


Md. Akbor Ali
Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah College
Sakhipur, Satkhira.


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